Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Get ready for the Joy ride, Life is a roller coaster!!!

"Happiness is Not something you postpone for the future, Its designed for the present!"
~ Unknown

Life is like a Roller Coaster ride... Some times Up, some times Down. It is full of twists, turns, Bumps, high and low... And you never know, whats the next surprise!
But the mistake we do is, we try to stick at its one point, try to be safe there! And thats where we lose the FUN of this ride...
Don't stop or wait, Enjoy its every moment! Cause those moments are never gonna come back. Don't think when this ride going to end, Think that you are lucky that you got a chance to get on the ride...

So... Scream, Shout, Laugh and Cry... But dont forget to Live Each moment to its fullest!

Have a fun :-)


Wednesday, 13 August 2014


“When you connect to the silence within you, that is when you can make sense of the disturbance going on around you!”
- Stephen Richards

One more day passed by... and it was the one pretty similar day of my routine life... Home...Office...Work...and...Back to home... Nothing different! 
That night after dinner I was sitting near d window... as usual... It was rainy season. I was watching outside and thinking...
Many random thoughts were coming in my mind. About life, about past, about future, about work, career and many more.... But in these thoughts there was big a question... "Where Am I going?"

In all those thoughts I was thinking about past.. about future.. but what about present? Since many days this question was bothering me. But every time I was ignoring to think about this...  about present!!  And that's what happens with us many a times. Between the regrets from the past and the Worries of the future, we often miss the Present - a most important asset!
So this time I tried to answer my mind... on that question. But it was really tough to answer my own question - WHERE AM I GOING?
I felt like I am walking on a road which I don't know where it leads... I have no clue where I came from... and I don't exactly know where to go now... I Felt like "Middle Of Nowhere!"
I felt sad... frustrated and disappointed with myself And that's where I said to myself  "Enough! I need to change this..." I cant go anymore with the Flow. If this life is a journey then its me who will decide which the road on which to walk, Neither the circumstances nor my fate!
I promised myself that, No matter what, But I will fight with my problems & will bounce back! I won't only raise the questions and worry but will find solutions too. This is my life & I will make it LARGE!!! :)

We all come across this point at-least once in our life. When we start thinking about our life... Start to explore who we are and what we really want? And this is where our Real Growth Starts... Understanding the 'Self' is the first step towards the REAL PROGRESS!

Happy Journey... ;-)